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Aarihant Aaryan

Stealth • 3m

How to build great teams? 1. Hire right: Hiring is more about taking bold calls, but I learned this important framework from bhavintu founder of Zeta - he said something interesting “ Always prioritize to hire someone who has more efficiency rate than the company” I.e Rate all your team member’s efficiency rates out of 10 and make an average of it, the next hire that you are going to make should be above that average - this will ideally lift the efficiency rate of the company Sometimes, on paper the candidate might not match or be above the efficiency rate but you might have this gut feeling that he’ll do well - for people like them you should double down - they will make a level difference 2. start looking at things from their perspective 3. Value people more than the end goal. Remember that one compliment, that one note of appreciation, that one incident of you going an extra mile, that one moment of you checking on them about their life - will go a long way. 4. Make them feel secure, belonging, and safe - If team members aren’t sure about their spot in the team, they will constantly do what they think is right for their career instead of doing what’s right for the team and consumers 5. Trust them first: Take bold bets not just in easy times but in the toughest times, trust them first - you can’t expect your team to trust you if you don’t trust them first 6. It’s team members’ growth at all costs, not company growth at all costs: If your team members aren’t growing at an individual level - the team is literally dying

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