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A friend of mine is interested in launching a business selling laddoo sweets packaged in fancy boxes, inspired by a relative's wedding where such boxes were distributed. He finds the idea appealing and enjoys the taste of the laddoos. He's considerin

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Anonymous 3

Stealth • 7m

Kr le bro. Huge market. List on quick commerce ASAP. Huge demand over there and very limited options. Personally, I blinkit/zepto sweets 2-3 times a week, have tried all brands listed (gurgaon) still not satisfied with taste, quality and packaging. Modern trade is also huge. Connect with Jio Mart, if your samples are approved and commercials are finalized, they will place you in the stores across state/region. Also sweets have a sweet EBITDA of 15-35%. I'm running similar side business in Rajasthan. Let me know if you need any further help.

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