Indulge, which appeared on Shark Tank India, has a bold idea, making luxury experiences like private jets, fine dining, and travel easily accessible through one platform. They valued their business at 50cr and claimed to have 10,000 users, highlighting the potential in a global luxury market worth $1 trillion, growing at 5-6% annually. Their concept is exciting, but they need to refine a few things. First, trust is key in the luxury space. Partnering with iconic brands will help build credibility. Second, customer acquisition is expensive for them right now. A strong referral program could reduce costs and help them tap into the $20 billion concierge market. Scaling globally is a big opportunity, but they must maintain quality, starting in cities like Dubai or London, where luxury thrives. Adding new services like wellness retreats and improving their tech for personalized recommendations could set them apart.If they execute well, Indulge has the potential to lead the luxury space.
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