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Harsh Dwivedi


Medial • 4d

Anupam Mittal might be forced out of Shaadi.com? WestBridge had invested ₽166 crore in the Shaadi.com back in 2006, with the expectation of an exit within 5 years. Fast forward to today, and that exit still hasn't happened. Now, WestBridge is invoki See More


Stealth • 4d

That's why check every single possibilities before doing any type of Aggreements also take some protective steps like you can use Dual-Class Share Structure for increasing your power even you have small shares in your company so at the end of the day See More

Shivanshu Shukla

Stealth • 4d

one Indian shark is in trouble🦈


Stealth • 4d

i know he can easily handle these types of situations and he sighed aggreement in 2006 when people's don't have much knowledge about startup and business Aggreements even internet is not available everywhere

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