Ride hailing exclusively for women that helps women travelling in night to find the nearest
- taxis driven by women
- bike taxis by women
- autos driving by women drivers
This will help women travel safely in the nights without fear
2 replies5 likes
Stealth • 3m
Should entrepreneurship be money driven venture or a passion driven one?
1 replies5 likes
Karan Sahu
Stealth • 10m
Medial is building a new category of social media: Purpose-driven social media, in contrast to the Popularity-driven platforms dominating the industry. Hope to see more like this in the future.
Fear Marketing: The Tactic That Sells by Triggering Anxiety
Fear marketing is a psychological marketing strategy that leverages fear, uncertainty, or anxiety to drive consumer action. It works because humans are wired to avoid pain more than they se
Hope football will popularised by someone like this
3 replies3 likes
Shekhar Jee
Stealth • 1m
people need personal friend by AI driven humanoid, we need funding and support!
0 replies3 likes
Will 😊
Stealth • 9m
Do you ever felt your heart racing, feeling butterflies in stomach ,hard to sleep,worried without any reason?
It's ANXIETY ...
→You feel really worried or scared, even if there's no danger.
→Due to an imbalance of stress hormones cortisol and adre
See More
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Stealth • 1m
fear is real
0 replies9 likes
Tushar Aher Patil
Stealth • 4m
What is the biggest fear of startup founders? And how do they handle it? Basically, what are the common problems faced by most startups?
1 replies2 likes
Mahendra Lochhab
Stealth • 12d
The India Watch Market was valued at USD 3.87 billion, driven by increasing demand for premium and smartwatches.