How many guys you know there is a financial aid in Coursera which help you to get free course with reputed certificate from the global University like Stanford, deep business school, Oxford,meta Google
Did you know
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India • 1m
How to save Taxes!!! iykiyk -- Part 1.
Taking Debt/Loan as funds is best way eliminate taxes than raising Equity shares.
as Debt is charged against profits and interest is deducted before imposing tax rate.
Also, Be sure that the ROI is higher tha
Reality of startup india scheme
Core Features of the Startup India Initiative according to the Government of India:
Ease of Doing Business: Simplified compliance, self-certification, and single-window clearances streamline processes for startups.
Have anyone has Bizzblack HDFC card?
I want to know about everything related to this card .
I got to know that it gives the reward points which can be used to save taxes?
Did anyone know where can find all new startups with funding both Indian and foreign startups . I know about well found but not that much helpful 👇 suggest something