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Jas Vavadiya

Stealth • 12d

BILLIONAIRE DOLLAR IDEA 💡: What if I make somthing which is combination of tinder + ecomm(fashion) + AI recommendation Basically, A app in which you can explore cloths among internet like tinder card, you can swipe right if you love that particula See More


Stealth • 11d

Styl AI - Tinder for clothes. Is already doing this

Naveen Ramakrishna

Stealth • 11d

But competition low hai you can try to build better than existed one and more uniquely at the end attracting fashion design for youths is important

Naveen Ramakrishna

Stealth • 11d

That's where most young Entrepreneur is stopped thinking out of the box when they listen already their idea in market and some one doing better on it. My Suggestion to all thinking fruitful Entrepreneur is don't hesitate to do the things what you thought if some says it's already existed because studying the existed ones you can tune and colide them with just an small attempt of changes what they are lagging in market now and what next cover those things you can position yourself in market There is Puma A brand shoe company Then what's the other shoe company importance in market like Nike,AAddidas, stichers, etc Everyone start telling Puma is already doing well why Nike then?

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