Thanks for all your valuable suggestion. But the customer is already there to buy from amazon I just have to be another option for the customer. Do I really need to spend for market awareness initially?
I have Vendor Need Fund for Buy stock
Customer also available
3 replies
Vaidik Pandya
Nothing can define.. • 1m
I am building TheCyberBoy. initially we started with providing Trainings but now we are also starting Consultancy Services.
I am looking to reach to new clients and open for suggestion
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Hakuna matata • 24d
Meta, Amazon, Alphabet and Microsoft plan to spend more than $300 billion in 2025 as AI race intensifies
1 replies21 likes
Rajan Paswan
Honorary Mentions - ... • 9m
Hack Used By Startup #9
Zappos This USP Made Their Company Eventually Acquired by Amazon for $1.2 Billion!!
The Problem:
Zappos, an online shoe retailer, faced intense competition and needed a way to stand out.
The Idea:
Zappos decided to focus on
Amazon trying to give their customer a good experience but what about their workforce and sellers.
In past few weeks I saw many complaints about Amazon and it's working culture and due to that my respect for Amazon 📉📉📉📉📉📉
I want to buy bhagwat Geeta book but how bcs in Amazon and Flipkart there are many bhagwat Geeta books , which is real idk so how to buy and on which platform.
2 replies3 likes
Rakesh Panchal
Brainvire • 6m
Hey Guys, I'm going to do my startup to provide Software Quality Assurance services.
Please provide me a suggestion what I have to do in starting phase.
Thanks for your valuable feedback
Best Regards
Rakesh Panchal
0 replies2 likes
Piyush Jha
TRADER • 29d
i want to know how much scope is to become a mutual fund distributor !!
if anyone has any fund management company or anything related to it do let me know thanks for sharing your valuable insights and suggestion
5 replies3 likes
Ashwini Khare
Be thoughtful • 2m
what do you think which is the good market for beginner in online business USA or UK ??
If you have another country suggestion
Share your views....