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India was BIGGEST economy, contributing 25%-30% of Global GDP from Maurya to Mughal! Then what happened? 1. Decline of Mughal led to weak leadership, fragmented politics & regional powers 2. East India Company saw market in India. They also had organized army, advanced weaponry & tech 3. Exploited local politic rivalry. Formed alliances, took large territories, trade monopoly, high tax, extracted resources 4. Divide & rule created regional, religious & ethnic divisions. Supported and pitying local rulers against each other. Lack of Unity made manipulation easy 5. Policies designed to benefit British at expense of India Been years, yet to this day we divide amongst ourself Our parents, family, local community, state, politicians told us how we are better than other communities in India, shaping our perception, sowing roots of discrimination in us from childhood Given significantly lower discrimination in developed nations, Can India be ONE to become World's wealthiest economy?

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