Idea For You Implement —
Guy's we all that our og snacks and local food products like aamchaska , chaad stire
Poppins , guru chela , Raja Rani Pola , aamras and all local indian snacks are not getting proper recognition in national and internatio
Food Industry Opportunity Questions—
1=} in India People want any packet snacks that will fill their stomach and satisfy their hunger .
2=} In India people want any packet snacks that is affordable for middle class and lower middle class
3=} In I
Idea For You Implement Now
So guys we all know that the World wide market size of snacks industry is 1490 Billon dollers with the growth rate of 2.3% .
Problem —
In India and worldwide there are so many snacks who selling with the USP of healthy
After success of cafes like third wave due to also doubling as a secondary work place for many entrepreneurs, why not build a all day cafe? pay once for a 10 hours and you can simply eat as you feel like from constantly changing food and snacks optio
Idea For You Implement Now —
“ Fruit Pulp Based Drinks ”
Problem —
So guy's we all know that Indian non alcoholic drink market size is around 1,986 billion rupees by 2028 and growing at 7.30% , that is great but currently Most of the Indian b
Idea #2 - India has a 151,000 km highway network, and whenever I drive on highways, I often feel like eating or drinking something. But I usually have to pull over, get out, place an order, and either eat there or bring the food back to the car. Ofte
bornvita and alll the other brands are trying a lot to sell you the idea that they are HEALTHY
eat lesss sugar live longer life