Food delivery platform Zomato has increased its platform fee for customers by 25% to Rs 5 per order, effective April 20. The fee increase, applicable in key markets including Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Hyderabad, is expected to boost the company's
All the Founders and CEO's present on Medial. Please share what is that one thing in life you learnt it in a very hard way, but glad you did. Please do not post your answers in incognito mode.
Bill Gates wants you to read this book on AI and education written by Khan Academy CEO.
Bill Gates' latest book recommendation comes from the world of artificial intelligence and it is a book that focuses on how the fast-advancing technology
Recently I have read this post that Muskesh Ambani reveled the earning secrete so is true that bitcoin bank makes money please comment your opinion
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Stealth • 6m
Anyone Who Read the Book Already??
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Megha Manaswini
Stealth • 7m
Is it worth it if the podcasts that we listen to over youtube, has a written version or a book made of it? Like will it be worthy to have a thing like that?
Do you think people are into reading good pieces of content these days, or they just read half of it and move on, what do you do when you see some interesting long form written post?
hey I don't know if this message is correct or not cause I can't see anything written in the text screen is it a bug cause the text and the background are both black in color can you please fix this medial pardhan...