I think it’s pretty subjective, i don’t think Einstein Could’ve Built a start up (hypothetically), Neither did he want to, But he could’ve definitely written a jee paper 😂
What If India start conducting entrance exam like jee ..etc and other in vr set
Only paper is visible and surrounding id dark black
This may be one of the solution i think so
I live in Bangalore and was recently talking to a pan shop bhaiya near my office to understand his tapri business. Have been an old customer now so he shared. He does approx 5.6 lac in revenue and handsome profit. I know it’s not a very shiny job/bus
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Shuvodip Ray
YouTube • 9m
It's an educational institute in India that offers undergraduate programs in computer science, artificial intelligence, entrepreneurship, and technology
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Mohini Bhosle
WYLD • 8m
Its good that he is moving from western tech to something his company built but this decision seems more like an ego driven decision than opportunity driven.I can only think how many people will have to overwork because of this impromptu not proper p
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Vishu Bheda
Medial • 3d
Twitter cofounder Biz Stone shares the most important lesson he learned in his startup career
Success in startups is never guaranteed.
But one thing is certain—if you’re not emotionally invested in what you’re building, failure is almost inevitabl
In 1954, Ray Kroc betrayed the McDonald brothers.
He took their burger stand and built a $200B empire through greed and deception.
Here’s how it all went down...
McDonald’s started as a small drive-in restaurant, but the McDonald brothers had a ge
Paul Graham: “Neither Bill Gates nor Mark Zuckerberg knew how big their companies would get”
Big ambitions can be tricky.
The bigger your dreams, the longer they take, and the more you risk being wrong.
Instead of chasing a crystal-clear vision
The untold story of ZOOM!
Zoom is a pretty well-known app since 2020. But Covid was not the only reason for their success. There was more!
So, Zoom was started by Eric Yuan, who was born in China. He wished to move to Silicon Valley, inspired by Bi
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Vishu Bheda
Medial • 2m
Musk’s favorite thinking framework:
First-principles thinking.
Sadly, few people understand how it works & how important it is.
Here's a 2-minute breakdown that will make you a genius thinker:
Elon Musk’s favorite way of thinking is first-princip
Meet Mike Cessario.
This ex-Netflix employee built a $700M empire by selling a free commodity; WATER.
Today, Liquid Death is equivalent to the Air Jordans of the beverage industry.
Here's how Mike Cessario engineered virality and made Liquid Death