HR: What is your current salary?
Candidate: ₹9,00,000
HR: What is your expected salary?
Candidate: 12,75,000
HR: Great. We have a budget of ₹13,00,000
Candidate: But, I don't have the budget to pay taxes. I am happy at 12,75,000.
This conversat
Is there a way of opting out of PF? which categories or types of employment in a company can be exempted from the PF?
if there any HR experts please could you let me know
I have an idea of my startup please share your thoughts on this ideas. The Idea is i want to build energy transfer technology i mean transfer energy wirelessly. To charge any electronic device and to provide power.
What's on your thoughts please s
Hello everyone how are you all.
Join us on our journey to bring the best and efficient way to transfer crypto
we are trying ( working ) to minimize the transfer cost and reduce to Zero.
Interesting right😉!
Startup Blueprint - Day 06
Sales and Distribution Channels
1. Direct Sales: Consider face-to-face or online sales directly to customers.
2. Online Platforms: Explore e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, or your own website.
3. Partnerships: Collab