🔥 What's your take on these BJP policies ?
• No tax on startups and business with upto 2 Crores turnover
• No tax on Indian Upto 12 Lakh turn over
• 10K Thousands Crores fund for entrepreneurs
In usa entrepreneurs are creating new cities for entrepreneurs and technical experts it is astounding. But in India entrepreneurs are coping other entrepreneurs. It is bad 😔. Now it is the time indian entrepreneurs should create something new and i
🥳 Great news for entrepreneurs , Modi Government decided to remove angle tax and now people will get investment more smoothly also this will help early stage startup and new investors .
🔥 BJP Government Announced Huge things for Entrepreneurs and Middle class 🇮🇳
💰 10 Thousands crores fund for entrepreneurs and startup founders 🔥
1=} No Angle Tax for Startup fund raising so now investors will fund more Indian entrepreneurs bec