In a heartwarming tale of passion, perseverance, and innovation, brothers Anand Nahar and Amrit Nahar have transformed their love for cooking into a thriving Rs 100-crore brand, ZORKO. From a modest investment of Rs 50,000 to a sprawling empire with
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Anonymous 1
Stealth • 1d
he is the sameguy who rejected aman gupta offer.n looks confused
Weird Marketing Strategy by BoAt:
In the initial days of BoAt Aman Gupta went to a shop and asked to buy and place his product in his store but the shop keeper rejected it so Aman after 2 days he sent his wife to the same shop and asked the shop an
Any suggestions for inviting famous personalities of india who are very famous among genz who are related to marketing , business etc. Like aman gupta ashneer etc.
What's Aman Gupta even doing in shark tank. He behaves like it's big boss audience watching him. Piyush or Amit Jain should be in his place
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Shuvodip Ray
YouTube • 8m
Global Sharks meet at UN and to represent India only Aman Gupta (Boat) is there. As shown in Shark Tank US Season 15 Episode 21. I wonder why only Aman and not other Sharks at the event..
9 replies11 likes
Book Your Own
Stealth • 9d
"One who looks around him is intelligent, one who looks within him is wise." ---Matshona Dhliwayo
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Jeet Sarkar
Stealth • 11m
Shark Tank India judge Aman Gupta, while talking about funding winter at ET Now Global Business Summit, said two years back, he didn't have much money to invest in the company.
"So my wife used to earn and I used to burn her money," Gupta said.
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Nirmal Jangid
Stealth • 9m
Personality looks v/s communication skills with bad looks.
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Vaibhav Babruwan Shingde
Stealth • 10m
Who is the Current Partner Of Sequoia Capital and Previously CFO Of PayPal? Guess who is he ❓