Smart building solution provider Spintly has raised Rs 3.5 crore in a round led by Spyre VC to increase presence and strengthen senior management roles. The round also saw participation from Accel India, Chakra Growth Fund, Alumni Ventures, and Doctor Technology, according to a statement by Spyre VC As our very first investment (Spintly), it not only aligns perfectly with our mission to drive innovation in the proptech space, but also marks a significant milestone in India’s real estate technology landscape. With CREDAI as our partner, we can really help deep-tech Proptech companies like Spintly well beyond just monetary support,” noted Abhimanyu Bisht, Operating Partner, Spyre . With latest capital infusion, Spintly aims to enhance its market penetration, expand its presence across various countries, bolster its senior management team, and broaden the capabilities of its smart building solutions by utilizing AI.
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