😳 Guy named Kopparam revealed on twitter that a dosa vendor near his home earns Rs 20,000 daily, amounting to Rs 6 lakh a month. After deducting costs, the vendor takes home Rs 3-3.5 lakh monthly, all without paying tax🤣 but employee gives 7-10% Ta
How do startup save taxes? I've heard the have tax benefits..
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Stealth • 9m
Anyone who knows tax on private libraries ( reading room) and how much ?.
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Sameer Patel
Stealth • 8m
Financial knowledge
Indian Tax slabs
Income tax slabs categorize taxpayers based on their annual income, determining the applicable tax rates. Here's a breakdown:
1. Nil Tax: Annual income up to ₹2.5 lakh for individuals below 60 years.
2. 5% Tax: I
Any CA here how much is tax to pay on 30 lpa salary
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Mahendra Lochhab
Stealth • 5m
Based on Earnings from different departments
₹27 - Borrowings & other liabilities
₹19 - Income Tax
₹18 - GST & Other Taxes
₹17 - Corporate Tax
₹9 - Non-Tax Receipts
₹5 - Union Excise Duties
₹4 - Cus
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Aakash kashyap
Stealth • 3m
The UK's Overseas Territories Lead the Charge in Global Tax Havens – British Influence Dominates the Corporate Tax Haven Landscape in 2024
(A tax haven is a country or jurisdiction that offers low or no taxes, minimal financial transparency, an
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Vishnu kumaran
Stealth • 11m
Paying tax on stocks are mandatory but how do I do it? Because I buy sell and again this process repeat. How should I do it?