1.Razorpay Rize/Register Karo/India filings which is better for company registration?
2.What is the 1st yr cost or pvt ltd company
3.What it I keep rs 1000 only as paid up capital?
This $63 billion dollar market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 5-6% from 2023 to 2030. And by 2028, this market is projected to reach $90 billion or more.
This product is used in most of the important sectors, F
Remember Gaana Music app
It has been acquired by the parent company of the Radio Mirchi ie. ENIL for only ₹25 lacs. This came into limelight after ENIL’s filing with NSE.
Gaana raised a total of $200 million was once valued at $580 million.