EP=26 (Coca-Cola)
"Happiness Machine"
Coke wanted to market their brand, but instead of going traditional, they took an alternative approach.
They set up vending machines around college campuses. However, it
I have been very much interested in Startups and have been funding them at their initial level of ideation. Looking up for some crazy pitches today.
If you have any point where you can convince me that your idea is great and you have a sustainable en
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2 replies4 likes
Stealth • 2m
how many of you actually have ecommerce store ?
where you send your traffic to
I hate these posts: "I have a million-dollar startup idea, need co-founders/funding"
Bro, at least share what you're working on if you want collabs. And funding? Don't you think, you at least want an MVP for your product to get VC-ready.
Have you ever though where you could have reached financially, physically, emotionally if you did not waste as much time as you did till date?
Could I have been in a great financial condition, could I have been in great shape, could my mental health
You're not late!
You just have to wait for the right time.
What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you see these posts?
13 replies26 likes
Soumya Ranjan Dash
Stealth • 6m
What have you guys been working on lately?
1 replies4 likes
Abhishek Mahto
Stealth • 6m
Have you faced this same problem?
After passing your 10th or 12th when you decided to enter in entrepreneurship, have you felt that you have been taught nothing about this real life in the schools?
5 replies17 likes
Panashe Guze
Stealth • 7m
Just Reflecting on Life.
If you had not been influenced by pressure from peers, family, or society, where do you think you would be now? Who would you be, and what choices might you have made differently?