See how pubg is Targeting office employees with their ads and according to reports they are getting good retention rate after making relatable ads for indian youth who left pubg for focusing on their job .
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Gautam Pareek
Stealth â˘Â 8m
A idea on retaining employees
An application provide to all employees and Aaj some questions from them about work
Like they feel satisfy
Is there any improvement needed etc etc to enhance productivity and also train HR department for that speciall
Hey guys, I'm building a website that will contain a list of failed indian startups, their journeys, competition, market dynamics then, runway, founders, and much more data based insights on why they failed.
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Boils my blood to see Indian Startups (Boat) bring in foreign faces in their ads as lure and attract Indian audience and make them feel their brand is International. Why? We already know you are Indian compan. Are you ashmend of your own country, why
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27 replies12 likes
Vaibhav Babruwan Shingde
Stealth â˘Â 11m
Guys, what do you think about why SoftBank is pulling their money out of Indian startups?
2 replies8 likes
Keshav Agarwal
Stealth â˘Â 9m
IDEA Validation
Prob & Opportunity -
Companies are spending infrastructure and funds on raw material , staff and etc on daily lunch meals of employees
A platform where there are let's say 10 meal combinations and companies can register on