Imagine you are in battlefield to take advantage of the position that makes you rule the country, But Lakhs of other kings competing for that same spot. Now guess who wins, One with strong troops?.. hmm... Yes you need it but its not the only answer. King should hold more aura?.. It does helps psychologically to create fear among others, but not completely does the job Then what's the most important? 'Strategy they use in war'. Without strategy even with big troops and famous king can loose the battle Now relate this with internet. For a particular search term, many lakhs of people fighting for that sweet spot (Top 7 ranking). Consider Strong soldiers as your page's blog posts, content quality etc.. and King's aura as a brand image among the internet But if a small business has 1 blog page website from gandhinagar imploys better startegy, He has higher chance to rank in that sweet spot than other. Ok?.. What do i mean by startegy? SEO Well well, i can hear you saying "yaar, its a slow process". "Only backlinks is enough".etc.. This is the common image that built around SEO. As a SEO professional, Honestly i hate people building their own belief among seo rather than focusing on principles. So in this Account I decided to share the SEO knowledge that i learnt in my career as a seo professional to help you guys out to win that battle. Make sure you follow this account to get notified for every post i make. ---------------------- You can avoid reading this part-------------- Also i will be taking clients for My SEO consultation program in which you and me will sit together and sort things out in the website. We will discuss, 1- What optimization needed to be done in your website? 2- Keywords to target? 3- Competitor analysis? 4- Perfect strategy to take the position in sweet spot and few more... And yes It's paid consultation, But if you are not satisfied with my work, You will get 100% of your money refunded. Interested peoples dm me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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