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Stealth • 2d

Idea #2 - India has a 151,000 km highway network, and whenever I drive on highways, I often feel like eating or drinking something. But I usually have to pull over, get out, place an order, and either eat there or bring the food back to the car. Ofte See More


Stealth • 1d

The idea has potential to improve convenience and efficiency. Adding non food traveling essentials could be great. Partnering with fuel station, toll plazas or existing roadside food places with modification like drive through or quick stop seems more practical but swiggy or zomato can integrate such a service quicker. The traveller traffic could be inconsistent or seasonal and the items have low profit margin. Places with high traveller traffic would definitely already have some kind of food place and high real estate value. Sometimes such places are where travellers take their time to get fresh air and flex. The question still stands Is the demand high enough to justify the investment. This idea could work but it might need to be looked at in a different way for a less niche market.

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