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Preksha Srivastava

Stealth • 6d

Hi folks! I am simply a graduate right now and am preparing for something next year . I simply earn 1k to 2k a month, which is like nothing much but not less enough. what would you guys suggest me to build a good portfolio. I would rather spend that See More

Gururaj Bhat

Stealth • 5d

Hi Preksha, First, Congratulations on your degree. Hope your parents are proud with your achievement. You have mentioned that you are earning 1-2k every month. While this is a good start, it's not good enough to even take care of your own requirements. For example, if you want to buy a nice saree or a good shirt to your parents, you might have to spend your entire month salary. Hence, you should utilize the funds you are getting to learn more in the field you are working, which will get you better pay once you become expert in that area. For example, if you are getting 1-2k for selling some products, spend the money to learn how actually marketing works, and work towards implementing those learnings to sell more products to earn more. I believe you are not worried about spending your earnings on house hold stuffs as it's being taken care by elders at your home. Hence spending on gaining knowledge. DM me to get a better understanding on this.

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