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Hello everyone, This is Dhanush,last few months I learning how to invest in stocks like: PE ratio Intrinsic value Free cash flow Etc..... Now I want to know whether I want continue my learning or go and check the stocks it is good to invest or not.

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Dhanush R

Stealth • 28d

Sorry for the late brother. I had some urgent work that's why iam messing very late See Boroltd is now step into overvalued For my analysis I first checked PE ratio is nearly 72 this is high so it says can earn high value . Then I get into the FCF(Free cash flow) mojor important factor it shows last 8 years they have a negative FCF it means they are loosing money but it is also sometimes give a wrong decision because some shares are worth even it have a negative FCF Lastly I gone for the DCF(Discounted cash flow) to calculate the intrinsic value of the company it results shows it is overvalued From my point of view I done only basic analysis so I tell if it comes to 420 or below it is okay

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