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Medial • 23d

One business model that's been going viral for quite a while on Instagram now is the freewater.io or freepani.io one. And it's annoying. It's only merit is the fact that it's a concept that's quite new. But novelty is all it's got. I feel like it does nothing apart from that. The water bottles are distributed to the middle class and wealthy. People that absolutely do not need free water. And the business model wouldn't be sustainable if it was distributed to the lower class because they aren't the advertisers TG. And the bottles are made of plastic. Terrible for the environment. It annoys me everytime people applaud and commend it on Instagram. Here's what I'm talking about for reference: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-uToi_ynCX/?igsh=MThuNjM4czdvbDloeQ==

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