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Stealthย โ€ขย 1m

How Netflix started ? The $2 Billion Mistake: Blockbuster's Netflix Blunder How does a single decision reshape an entire industry? In 2000, Netflix offered to sell to Blockbuster for $50 million. Blockbuster laughed it off. Fast forward: 2002: Netflix goes public 2004: Blockbuster launches online rentals (too late) 2007: Netflix introduces streaming 2010: Blockbuster files for bankruptcy 2022: Netflix valued at $267 billion The twist? Blockbuster could've owned it all for $50 million. Lessons learned: 1. Never underestimate disruptive innovation 2. Adapt or die in the digital age 3. Sometimes, your biggest competitor is the one you laugh at Today, Netflix dominates streaming while Blockbuster is down to one store in Oregon. Are you ready to spot the next big opportunity in your industry? - Follow me for more on medial!

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