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Havish Gupta  • 

Stealth • 11d

Top YC Companies (1/20) Airbnb: It was started by Brian Chesky during the 2008 financial crisis with the idea to list extra space in our house for other people to stay in. Since after the financial crisis, when people had less to spend, this worked at the beginning. WHY WAS IT SELECTED BY YC? 1) It was an innovative idea that both guests and owners liked. 2) It had huge potential to grow. 3) Strong and passionate team. 4) This could be easily scaled. 5) It had the potential to disrupt the current hotel booking industry. Main Reason: When this was about to get bankrupt, founders bought a bunch of cereal boxes and designed Obama and McCain on them (candidates for US president) and sold it high price. YC liked this, and they were accepted. Now today, it helps us list and discover unique accommodations around the world. Unlike others, it helps us stay in the best properties around the world, which could be an apartment, a villa, or even a castle! "Make something people want." - YC

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

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