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Apple  • 

Stealth • 11d

WhatsApp Costly Affair? WhatsApp is charging you !! We all love WhatsApp for free messaging, but how does the app make money? Unlike flashy ads, WhatsApp works a bit differently. Here's how it works! 1. Subscription Surprise: Did you know WhatsApp used to charge a yearly fee (around ₹10)? They ditched it for a free model. So, how do they earn now? 2. Business Bonanza: Free for you, but not businesses! WhatsApp Business lets companies chat with customers, share catalogs, and send reminders. Businesses pay a fee for this service, making it a goldmine for WhatsApp. 3. Chatbot Cha-Ching: Imagine a bot that books flights or orders food right on WhatsApp! Businesses can create chatbots to interact with customers, and WhatsApp might take a cut of these interactions in the future. It has other strategys to earn but i cannot extend it because of the limit. What do you think about the business model of Amazon ? Follow me for knowing how !!

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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