We have the biggest Railway Network!
We have the largest no. of Small vendors.
Still we aren't able to sell anything through this network!
Don't you think It's highly unorganised!
In food side things are getting organised here
But still the network o
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Yash Agrawal
Stealth • 9m
This is already happening but at a very small scale
If I want to start a Food Industry at very small scale what are the things that required?
2 replies3 likes
Stealth • 9m
Is there anyway we can set up very small electronics(like earphones, led lights, toys, small portable fans etc) producing factory as minimal scale as possible in a tier 2 city in India?
I have a school transport service company active at very small scale( 100+ customers or children) giving this service in my city covering around top 5 schools. It is very capital intensive business as managing vehicles, drivers and maintenance in inc
It's happening...
MBA students are turning down 6-figure salaries at McKinsey & JP Morgan to buy small businesses.
People are figuring out the "corporate dream" is dead.
Share your views!
What is the best passive income for a software guy ?
Maybe some small scale startup or some other source ??
23 replies21 likes
Sankush Media
Stealth • 10m
Hey Medial Founders...
Kindly work on post design sizes. Currently The size is very small. As a creators like us, it's very important. Please note this. 🤝
Looking Forward 😊