Hey everyone, I'm starting a new startup that's like an online boutique. Customers can choose fabric from our site, and I ensure the quality and provide personalized dresses according to their size. Another feature is that we have our own designers a
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Ankit Gowda
Building in Stealth • 11m
I feel people would rather go to physical stores to see and feel the fabric for themselves it cannot be digitized
Lenskart is a classic example, they had to put up physical stores only then people started buying from them.
What kind of emotional talks do most people prefer to make themselves better so everytime when they feel low they will be pushing themselves which are so called greatest setbacks
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Founder and CEO at C... • 11m
Why did GameStop not die like Blockbuster, after the release of online game stores like epic games and steam do people really go to there stores and buy games instead of buying them digitally from the comfort of their home?
Increase in tech job and more and more people getting into tech jobs has affected on people's priority on health and fitness. So how about create a social media app where u post ur daily physical activity and everyday u post tracks number of days of
😡 Mercedes-Benz with a Chinese Engine!
All-new Mercedes-Benz CLA will feature a Chinese-made engine from Geely.
What happened to German-made luxury? Now, even Mercedes is using Chinese parts, from the engine to self-driving tech.
👉 Will it still
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AprameyaAI • 6m
How to Make People Want Your Product by Refusing to Sell It ?
In 2007 (My Birth Year), a new luxury brand took a bold approach that seemed counterintuitive—they refused to sell their product to just anyone. Enter Supreme, the streetwear brand that
Survey for shoes for men in India
Please answer the questions with honesty as this will help me a lot :)
Q1)How often do you purchase shoes ?
-Very Often
Q2)What factors influence your decision when buying shoe
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Prathamesh Deore
Think like an Entrep... • 1m
Sometimes some people need someone to listen as they couldn't be expressed in front of anyone. They have much more inside them which is slowly slowly kills them. And then the time comes when there's no other option left instead of killing themselves.
Just checked brukul app, wtf man. How does it even on top with 200 votes. It's just a app that stacked some videos which are not comic and cringe. How does sit became a startup and that too on top.
People pls think about it,this startups are seen b
- Software developer in Bangalore working in the field of network security in a MNC. I work 10-12 hours a day. The excess hours worked are not demanded by the company, its out of interest. But after 2 years of doing it, I feel the reward to ratio is