Thinking of an Food cold storage Business with really high initial investment And also a poly farming business wherein initial investment would be high but return can be calculated
Can anyone review Which startup idea Is better ?
It's better to make crappy product at start which is not perfect doesn't looks that good because you can always iterate and become better but most people prefer perfect products and do months of work and when they launch they get to know that know th
Hello fellow creators!
We are working on a product where content creators would be able to review their content before posting to get insights from reviewing audience already present on our platform. Based on this feedback creators would be able to
I want to launch my product in market ,but I have no idea about how to manufacture it means at small scale I can't manufacture it ? how to launch ?what is initial stages? How to provide product specific audience(marketing )?
How Do we get to know about a valuation of the startup at initial days ? For example an app makes 400Rs per user and has an user base of 5lakh This app has multiple features On an avg what would be the growth rate and valuation. Recurring users would