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A friend of mine is interested in launching a business selling laddoo sweets packaged in fancy boxes, inspired by a relative's wedding where such boxes were distributed. He finds the idea appealing and enjoys the taste of the laddoos. He's considerin

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Stealth • 7m

Sounds like a confectioner in disguise. This is not new but something that's always existed as you said that your friend got the idea when he saw it and is now making the exact same thing. My suggestion would be that, he can just make those fancy boxes which is the USP, not the laddoos inside. It can be both B2B - by selling them directly to businesses to pack their sweets as well as B2C - for wedding gifts and other bulk purchase requirements. There can be text with different font options, designs, patterns on the box for the customer to choose from. In fact, he can make a website or an app that allows the customer to create his custom print on the box, templates to choose from as well as various box sizes like single big laddoo, ½ kg, 1kg box etc. Manufacturing, advertising, gaining customers and distribution are going to be the main challenges. This business will require a good amount of capital investment to start with, without expectations of significant RoI.

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