Anupam and Anshu Dhanuka, the husband-wife duo who founded Kiddopia, are set to earn ₹300 crore after selling their stakes to Nazara Technologies. Nazara has said it will acquire the remaining 48.42% stake in Kiddopia's parent Paper Boat Apps in an a
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Jaswanth Jegan
Stealth • 6m
“How the Founder’s Divorce made the company fail ”
Billions To Bankruptcy #10
ShopClues was founded by husband-wife duo Sandeep Aggarwal and Radhika Aggarwal in 2011.They quickly gained traction by targetied India’s Tier 2 and Tier 3 markets which
What is Byju's 3.0?
From a major battle with investors to multiple legal tussles, a lot has happened at BYJU’S during the prior time period
Under this programme, the company has announced a leaner structure and consolidated some of the verticals. B
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3 replies15 likes
Chamarti Sreekar
Stealth • 3m
YouTube algorithm started recommending me videos from 6+ years ago with folks from OpenAI.
Just realized that Sam Altman back then was President of Y Combinator and Co-Chairman of OpenAI.
Real Estate Boom in Kolkata 💹
By the end of 2024, more than 17,000 units will be sold in Kolkata with a value of ₹12,000 crore.
Till September, sales numbers were 13,500 units.
Kolkata has surpassed Chennai in the sale of homes. 🤩
Looking for a front end dev who can revamp the UI/UX of an already built web app.
Intern/freelancer both are welcome.
Please reachout at
Share your portfolia link, past work and charges/fees and contact number in the email.
What do you guys do after the worst day of your life? How do you stop overthinking?
Looking for wisdom from experienced folks.
-Just a chill guy trying to stay a chill guy!
3 replies2 likes
Mridul Das
Stealth • 11m
I trust the CEO of Paytm rather than Paytm! I am just waiting for the end of lower circuit in the Paytm stock , then I shall buy , 60%-80% dip expecting.
8 replies31 likes
Anirudh Gupta
Stealth • 6m
Ai boom gonna burst just like dot com bubble.
Seen many useless products of which not even one can afford to create value among consumers.