Stealth • 1d
It should be the founders who decide what should be allowed on this platform. If there's no check, people would definitely spam the hell out of this platform, start publicizing their own telegram channels and paid services. That's what happened to Twitter & fb in the first place. They are supposed to be the platforms to exchange ideas but ended up being the free space for bullies and trolls to bash the ones who are not sticking to the agenda. Don't you think, if the Twitter team is too strict on censorship and execute well, all this drama would wipe off from the platform. It should be the decision of founders if they want to keep this platform to deliver a niche quality discussion to the users or keep their eyes closed allowing everyone to shit on random posts. PS : Quality platform attracts less number of quality users and so less number of quality advertisers. Quantity platform attracts more shitty users and so many many shitty advertisers.
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