Teen self-care brand Sammmm has secured Rs 10 crore ($1.2 million) in a seed funding round. The round was led by Fireside Ventures, with participation from Sauce VC and angel investors Nihir Parikh, Sachin Parikh, and Shantanu & Nikhil Mehra.
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Anonymous 3
Stealth • 12h
So much srotytelling and all jsut to sell products to the only market of consumers left lol. 👍🏻
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Recommendations from Medial
Dr Bappa Dittya Saha
Stealth • 9m
Anyone used snap chat?
How good is to market a products to GenZ?
Can we sell there?
E-commerce platform for products from various countries like
• France
• Italy
• Sweden
• Japan
• South Korea
There can be various segments
• Home decor
• Skincare
• Hair care
• Daily essentials
• Electronics items
With t
The idea is to create a unique retail store in India where consumers can try out new and innovative products from startups. This store would provide a platform for emerging businesses to showcase their products directly to potential customers, offeri
best products to sell as white labelling business through online
3 replies2 likes
Faisal Khan
Stealth • 1m
my idea is all in one service
Just think in only one website all services sell and service is your home rinu water palambar electrition sell is all products in one call
2 replies3 likes
Kush Patel
Stealth • 7m
Is there any market place for just for only personal brands?
If not then do we need any? Cuz every 'xyz' influencer, after becoming famous launches his/her personal brands and sell the shit products like perfume shampoos etc..
5 replies7 likes
Stealth • 10m
Can anyone tell me how Citroen is able to sell car without much marketing in Indian market.
Kia and MG put alot in marketing to gain share in India