National Startup Day was started by PM Narendra Modi on 16 January 2016. Till 2015, there were 450 startups in the country, whose number has increased to 1.57 lakh today. Currently there are 118 unicorn startups in the country. Startups have provided 20% of the jobs created in the last decade. More than 50% of the startups are from tier 2 and tier 3 cities. The total valuation of unicorn startups has reached ₹33 lakh crore. Startup funding till 2015 was ₹70,000 crore which has increased to ₹10 lakh crore in 2024. Amazing facts about Indian startups: 80% of unicorn startup founders are engineers. Out of these, 140 founders are IIT graduates. 73% of the unicorn startups are their first company. Out of 118 unicorn startups, 45 startups became unicorns in 5 years and 3 startups became unicorns in just 1 year. The total valuation of listed tech startups has reached ₹13 lakh crore. It was ₹5 lakh crore in December 2023. In 2024, startups raised ₹29,000 crore from IPO.
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