Guys, I read in reviews about ola that
She booked the ride at a certain price but after reaching the destination, price increased and she had to pay more...while it was not mentioned at starting..
Can someone confirm if it is true or not?
Bro college is kind of a scam man like I’m in the USA and after graduation I will make 60k usd a year pre tax how the hell am I supposed to survive with that salary in a place like New Jersey . Is this relatable?
Initially, it felt like whatever happens in the market could be handled, but now what's happening is unbearable to watch. It feels nostalgic, like I'm reminded of the old days.
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Yadav • 1m
A question arises in my mind that are the jobs posted on job apps like 'Apna' , ' Indeed ' , ' job hai ' really genuine ? or it is just a scam type of thing ?
There are a number of govt sites which are not managed properly and end up redirecting to scam websites.
Have a look at these sites -
We need to address the root cause and stop this asap!
Astrology apps are open legal scams. All these apps have similar ads about breakups, marriage and job. Lol. Stupid people end up believing in this and hence supporting their scam.
Hey hi a small suggestion to the medial founders just felt like saying after watching shark tank
why cant you position yourself as
Just a thought