in the current time, people are busy with their own work and struggle in his life and have lots of struggles in life. after that they don't have time for his own family and self satisfaction. after that they go for an online dating app but behind the
Picture this:
it's 1995, and Oriflame kicks off MLM in India. Fast forward to today, and the MLM industry is a giant worth 167 billion USD, set to hit 645 billion INR by 2025.
India jumped from 22nd to 20th globally in MLM, with average annual sa
Why no bike company give cool features like this as default?
Why do people have to do illegal customization in india?
What if any new company emerged with cool assesories like this as default?
What's your take on the USA sending illegal Indian immigrants to India because they are using USA resources without giving anything
🇮🇳 India Should also Send back 2 crores Rohingyas to bangladesh otherwise they will destroy our resources