We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram, where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission but Fr
š We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
Telegram founder Pavel Durov arrested at French airport for lack of moderation in his messaging app. The arrest warrant was issued in france as the platform was reportedly used for illegal activities like money laundering, drug trafficking and the sh
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The unknown entrepreneur
StealthĀ ā¢Ā 5m
News 01
Recently pavel durov ( the ceo of telegram) was arrested . He had net worth of $15 billion but even after no one can save him.
Because he has very serious allegations against him. At first, telegram was made as an alternative of WhatsApp but
Telegram can get banned in India?
- Child pornography
- Stock Market scams
- Terrorist activities
- Scams related to money
- Spreading fake news
- Exam paper leaks
My personal opinion is instead of banning telegram Gov should