hi I have an idea about part time jobs just like linkdin but it is very unprofessional which doesn't need any kind of study or skills...my main target is part time in stores and all domestic sector..how is my idea?
I have got an idea based on social media startup what step can I take next..?
11 replies1 like
Aurobindo Patra
Stealth • 8m
When I created small to small project then I share this social media . I know this is not enough but I try to create many projects and share this medium.
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Hathoda Tyagi
Stealth • 1m
If your social media app needs to be promoted and marketed on other social media app.
You have a failed product.
4 replies7 likes
Stealth • 18d
which niche is not celebrated more on social media but it actually needs social media marketing and management?🤔
looking for appointment setters 😄
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Himesh Jain
Stealth • 4m
Although everyone seems to be calm and ready on social media but I still have a felling if hindenburg went for short selling, there will be crash
Don't waste your time on social media which is of no use to your life. I have seen people commenting like crazy on social media which in reality doesn't make any difference in their life
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Aadarsh “Aadi”
Stealth • 8m
Since there are many social media aaps, Do we need a all in one platform to handle, manage , responded , organise all the chats messages and everything from all the social media in one place.
I have tried two such applications - texts app and beeper
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Stealth • 29d
I need a tech team for my social media app. now time I have only idea but one day I achieve my idea in reality.
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Bin rebin
Stealth • 3m
In the light of recent security breaching on PAGERS in LABANON, It is proven that anything can be breached including smartphones in your hand. WHY CAN'T We think of an INDIAN SOCIAL MEDIA.
What's your OPINION on a new social media. Discuss Good and B
India's social problems can't be solved by social media discussions, it can only do quick fix and quick fix never lasts.
They can't be a substitute for great research institutions.