Meet Anita Dongre, one of India's leading fashion moguls, Raised in a creative household, her interest in design was sparked by her mother, who stitched clothes for the family. In 1995, with a small loan from her father and the support of her sister,
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Anonymous 2
Stealth • 1m
Unpopular opinion: While Grassroot claims to support artisans, their prices are so high that they've basically turned traditional crafts into luxury items. How does this help preserve these art forms if only the ultra-rich can afford them? 🤔
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saiprasad pai
Stealth • 2m
We’re thrilled to introduce—a venture born from a passion to preserve and share the sacred craftsmanship of Sanatan Dharma. At our core is Shilpakala (शिल्पकला), the art of divine carving, where each piece is more than an artifac