Ola has launched its new service named Ola Dash to provide 10-minute food delivery in Bengaluru 🤷🏻
Bengaluru People, are you'll even using these services?
Anonymous 3
Stealth • 1m
I thought they had given up on the food delivery thing
Can someone explain why these Qcom food delivery startups like Swiggy and zepto are still in loss? Are they faking the results. They are charging high amount on food delivery + surcharge + delivery. I don't understand it
Why was Uber Eats discontinued has anyone really thought of it? Is it because it was not on profit or is it because they wanted to discontinue it.
What if Uber eats was not discontinued? Will they be the kings of the food delivery industry!
---------------------Start-up survey--------------------
Subject: Solving High Delivery Charges on Swiggy and Zomato
Dear Food Lovers,
Fed up with high delivery fees on Swiggy and Zomato? We've got a solution. Our goal: offer top-quality food at a
Can someone provide the details of department or organisation structure for food delivery start-up like Zomato or swiggy.
1 replies2 likes
Stealth • 4m
Just wanted to let you guys know that i saved 7459/- this month by skipping food delivery aggregators and ordering directly from restaurant!
Will try same thing with QC delivery and let you know the results!
Why a Multi-million dollar potential start-up QuikBite shuts down?
In 2018, A “Already Existing” Idea comes to a person's mind but with some adjustable twists…
QuikBite is the startup inspired by Doordash, but Quick and fast delivery with less cost
Does anyone know about what is this? And is this relevant to me anyway?
So here is the thing I signed up using only email put nothing else given detail as payment detail and all. I signed up on this first place bcz I heard on yt that we can you gemi