Bengaluru Techie, Atul Subhash suicide after wife continuously blackmailing her for 3 Crores rupees by taking support of law Atul Subhash, a 34-year-old tech professional, was found dead in his Bengaluru residence in a heartbreaking case of alleged harassment Before taking this extreme step, Atul left a 24-page suicide note (4 handwritten and 20 typed pages) and a 1.5-hour video. Both documents detailed the emotional and legal challenges he faced due to his estranged wife and her family Atul accused his wife an Accenture employee, along with her family in his 24-page suicide note, accused Nikita Singhania of 'explicit instigation for suicide' and mentioned that she had lodged 9 cases against him, including murder, sexual misconduct, harassment for money, domestic violence, and dowry. Nikita had demanded Rs. 3 crores alimony along with Rs. 80,000 per month for maintenance. Not only this, she also reportedly kept Atul away from his son even Nikita, who's employed with Accenture. .
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