Looking for part time work from home job to manage my day to day expenses
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dipto bhattacharyya
Stealth • 26d
Still looking for investors in every generation 🤔
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Jai Vardhan Singh
IIT Delhi • 8m
Day 0: my journey towards entrepreneurship.
Its still a scratch..
6 replies5 likes
Prateek Thungathurthy
Stealth • 28d
Looking for a React Native App Developer (Part time basis - 2 - 3hrs per day).
Duration will be not less than 6 months.
Remote working only!
interested, please comment or please refer!
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Kavya Mishra
Stealth • 6m
!!Revisiting HTML!!
Journey to a web developer
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The next billionaire
Stealth • 2m
Day 2 - Tell your Most Overrated founder.
The founder with most mentions, likes and support will win every day.
Day 2 of full stack development! Still learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's amazing how much you can do with just these three tools.
Any tips or resources from experienced developers?
#WebDevelopment #Frontend
2 replies4 likes
Mr Z
Medial • 12d
Day 2 of sharing youtube videos that'll turn you into a prodigy
Day 2 of the Placement Challenge was hectic with some external work, but I still managed to tackle sorting algorithms, finish authentication with tokens, set up Redis caching, and integrate a mailing system. Feeling accomplished! 💪 #PlacementChallen