Title: Quiety: The Ultimate Sleep Companion
"Silence, Mask, and Soothe—Anywhere, Anytime."
Tired of battling the noise around you? Quiety is here to change that. These sleeping earbuds wrap you in silence with Standalone Activ
my idea is to start making really good perfumes and export perfumes to countries like usa and europe ,will this idea really work?
8 replies7 likes
Stealth • 1m
This seems amazing ahhahahha
5 replies18 likes
Jenil Malaviya
Stealth • 2m
is it really good to share any startup idea publicly sometimes this make me hesitant to share idea on platform like this so what do you think it is really good for us ?
9 replies5 likes
165 Yash Chitaliya
Stealth • 1m
What if someone from this app copied my idea and build something big?
I really want to share my idea on this app
5 replies4 likes
Stealth • 5m
This app seems very interesting!
3 replies5 likes
Stealth • 6m
Looks promising 💀
4 replies9 likes
Stealth • 1m
Just want to build a stock average trading price tracker, really want to validate this idea.