Title: Quiety: The Ultimate Sleep Companion Tagline: "Silence, Mask, and Soothe—Anywhere, Anytime." Description: Tired of battling the noise around you? Quiety is here to change that. These sleeping earbuds wrap you in silence with Standalone Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), blocking out everything from city noise to snoring, all without the need for a phone. Featuring Sound Masking technology, Quiety gently covers unwanted sounds, helping you relax and fall asleep effortlessly. Designed for comfort, they fit snugly for a restful night without discomfort. With the ability to upload calming music directly to the earbuds, Quiety lets you enjoy soothing sleep sounds without connecting to your phone. Safe for long-term use, Quiety ensures you wake up refreshed, with better focus and a calm mind. Embrace peaceful sleep and wake up ready to conquer your day. Guys can you tell how feasible this idea is? Does this have a market? Leave your comments. Will sleep lovers buy this?
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