On Tuesday, the rupee hit a new low of Rs 84.75 per dollar as slowing economic growth rattled markets. Will the RBI step in with a rate cut this Friday to steady the ship?
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T Ganesh
Stealth • 4m
I always believed and support Win-Win situations.
Evolution has also happened with Win-Win Conditions.
Example: 1. Plants and all other living things.
2. Plants supports human life as human supports plant growth.
If something exploiting something
Hello good morning everybody will jiostar be a single app or 2 apps ? and what do you think of the price it's gonna be affordable or not
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Vatsal Patel
Stealth • 9m
A app where you can trade in share market with virtual money !
Just like Dream 11, there will be a comition where the winner can wins can win the pool price.
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TREND talks
Stealth • 1m
Billionaires See Sharp Wealth Increase After Donald Trump’s Victory 💵📈
Following Trump’s win, markets have surged, reflecting hopes for an end to wars and a new era of economic growth and cooperation. Tesla shares alone gained $100 billion in valu
Growth always attracts critisism 👍
Keep growing and focusing on your passion!
People will always criticize but if you and your idea is good don't listen to anyone.
The more you'll grow, the more critism you'll get.
There are 4 types of customers:
1. Price sensitive
2. Quality and price oriented
3. Quality oriented
4. Exclusivity driven
Today most of the brands are focusing on the 2nd and 3rd types of customers. Many SaaS companies offer various pricing plans
Hello guys my name is Afeez from visakhapatnam I want to start an clothing business at an affordable price as anyone who has the same idea like me can text me I have a great idea and it will grow big
Hey Everyone,
I am Thinking to Build A Affordable Fast Fashion Clothing Brand
I Am Thinking to Build A affordable Brand For Tier 2,3 cities. We will Start From E commerce then We will Enter Into Wholesale Market or B2B and Our Main Objective
Any Opinion?
Hey Everyone,
I am Thinking to Build A Affordable Fast Fashion Clothing Brand
I Am Thinking to Build A affordable Brand For Tier 2,3 cities. We will Start From E commerce then We will Enter Into Wholesale Market or B2B and Our