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Ankit Dangi

Stealth • 8h

A couple of weeks ago, I attended a startup event where someone asked an intriguing question: "Why doesn't India have its own version of Instagram or WhatsApp? Why do startups trying to build similar platforms get rejected by investors as mere copies or competitors?" This really got me thinking. 🇮🇳 We often hear the phrase "India needs its own global tech giants." Yet, when someone dares to take on the challenge, they face immense hurdles in the form of funding rejections and skepticism. Are we as a startup ecosystem truly open to nurturing homegrown solutions? Or are we unknowingly blocking innovation by being hyper-focused on “originality” over execution and adaptability? We’ve seen examples of international platforms dominating the market, but maybe it's time to rethink how we support and encourage Indian startups venturing into social media or other "competitive" spaces. I believe India can have its own social media platform – we just need to back those bold enough to try!

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