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Stealth • 12h

With god's grace, raised 3 lakh from friend. Money deposited, he is added as a shareholder as well. Can this be considered as an Angel Investment from VC perspective ? Will it help me in raising further capital ? VCs here and people who have raised See More


Anonymous 2

Stealth • 10h

This is a simple pre seed or seed round from friends and family, it has no relevance to VCs because of course your friends and family will give money to you based on trust etc. People who don't know you, giving money away knowing full well they might never see it again let alone profits on it is called angel investing. Build something, sell enough, show proof of your thing working and the need for capital based on disproportionate growth potential fueled by extra capital and if the market is big enough and VCs are greedy enough, you might get funded.

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