🤡 Ex-Girlfriend of Pavel Durov wants to TAKE OVER TELEGRAM!
The mother of the businessman’s three children claims Telegram is JOINTLY acquired property. Now, she’s planning to take half of the company through the courts.
💀 Where is feminist ?
Foundation • 4m
He has 100s of kids. Shouldnt all their mothers come forward?
Let's Say a person has net worth of 1 Billion USD now I know he doesn't have that whole money in his bank account it's is diversified and all that. But like Roughly if he has 1 Billion how much he has in his bank ?
1 replies1 like
Stealth • 3m
I am mother of 2 kids
And like every mother I need to get up early for their school. Bathing takes a lot of time. so many toiletries are there to use. so I want one product that can replace soap. It should be easy and handy like antiseptic liquid. A
Really Crazy, the amount of marketing all these brands did for mother's day is really remarkable. Different promotional videos, 100s of e-mails and notifications and many more....
If sebi is wrong then action should be taken. But the evidence is yet to come.
So when the stock market has an impact from these things, a company like Hindenburg Research makes a lot of money by short selling.
But going forward, the evidence does no
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0 replies2 likes
Siddharth Chopra
Stealth • 1m
I’ve created 100s of AI music… here’s my opinion on the same.
P.s: All the music in the video are AI generated!
Link: https://youtu.be/UTOmwknJtPo
Just heard of this new term called “DINK” - Double Income No Kids. Basically you and your wife both draw a monthly income but have no kids to have a better lifestyle.
Imagine you’re a man and you decide to hypothetically chop off your balls Just so t
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33 replies24 likes
Mridul Chandhok
Stealth • 1m
A comfy sleeping nightwear brand specially for-
- budget friendly gifting sets for your sisters and to- be brides and groups
- Couple co-ordinated themes affordable ranges
-Kids night wear for all occasions and moods with different styles
- Comfy n
My father has a 20-year-old rice papad business in which 4 types of papads of different tastes are made but till date my father has not been able to take that business forward and now I want to make my business a brand and launch it in the market, so
Hey everyone I want to validate my idea now a days kids are addicted to mobile and social media which Is harmful for kids to avoid this we are developing a "kidzmedia" which is a social media and entertainment app for kids but it controls by the pare